Harvesting and Harnessing Knowledge

We envision a world where knowledge flows freely and is utilized to address the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

Cognition and innovation

Artificial Intelligence

Our research and development initiatives integrate cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and AI systems to analyze extensive datasets, reveal patterns, and deliver highly accurate predictions. Through our consulting services, we enable businesses and organizations to utilize the revolutionary capabilities of machine learning and AI. This empowerment allows them to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, and explore novel avenues for expansion and development.

Data and information processing

Documents engineering

Document engineering is a pivotal aspect of our research and development endeavors. Leveraging advanced techniques and tools such as Grobid, we specialize in extracting structured information from unstructured documents. Our expertise extends from quantities recognition to material extraction, allowing to automate the retrieval of quantitative data and material properties from diverse sources. By integrating document engineering technologies into our workflow, we empower businesses, organizations, and researchers to unlock valuable insights from their documents, streamline processes, and drive innovation across various domains.


Open source

We actively contribute to the open-source community, recognizing the value of collaboration and innovation. We frequently push changes upstream, aligning with our clients' interests and fostering a culture of transparency and shared progress. By engaging in open-source development, we not only enhance our own solutions but also contribute to the broader ecosystem, driving positive impact and advancing the state of the art in technology.



We offer consultancy, development, research, education, and knowledge management services. We help businesses optimize operations, drive growth, and innovate through strategic guidance and cutting-edge technologies.
Our research spans diverse fields, pushing boundaries and driving advancements. Through education, we empower learners with essential skills for the digital age. Our knowledge management services extract actionable insights from data, informing decision-making and strategy. Together, we harness knowledge to shape a better future.